White wine is an alcoholic beverage that is obtained from the fermentation process of grapes. Its tone can be white or slightly yellow, as for the flavor it will depend on the brand of wine. Next, we will give you more details.
Preparation of white wine
White wine is prepared from white grapes. However, there are commercial houses that also prepare this type of wine with red grapes. Everything will depend on the brand of wine in question. It is important to note that for the quality of the wine to be good, the grapes must be carefully selected and those that are not in optimal conditions must be discarded.
This selection process is carried out through good supervision of the fruit and specialized machinery. Some small distributors and other wineries carry out this selection process manually to obtain a higher quality wine.
The processes described above are done with the purpose of preventing the grapes from They are damaged or fermented due to transportation due to the high temperatures of the sun. The machinery, for its part, is responsible for eliminating impurities, seeds and stems to obtain only the pure pulp of the grapes; This way you can avoid bitter flavors that could potentially damage the taste of the alcoholic beverage.
After the grape juice is obtained, the process proceeds of fermentation. The sugar present in the must is what will determine the alcoholic level of the wine. Subsequently, the liquid is filtered if necessary, so that the wine can be bottled and prepared for marketing. In some cases, the wine is allowed to mature to enhance its flavor.
Let's talk about white wine brands
There are many brands of white wine on the market and each of them is part of the traditional fermentation process to prepare and obtain the alcoholic beverage. However, as we emphasized previously, each brand will give the wine its characteristic touch.
There are commercial companies that add fruit flavors to wine and others that vary the fermentation process to control the final amount of sugar that the wine will have. Among the most famous white wine brands according to the production area we have the following classification: Chardonnay, Sauvignon Blanc, Moscatel, Riesling. These are mainly classified as semi-sweet wines, sweet wines and dry wines.
Get the best white wines in our online store
Our web store brings you the best selection of white wines on the market. We guarantee the quality and authenticity of each of the products we distribute. Review our online catalog and evaluate the types of white wines that are available; In turn, do not forget to read the specifications and prices of each of them.
Place your trust in us and do not hesitate to buy white wine online in our web portal, we assure you that you will not regret it! TCM Gourmet is here to serve you, we have the best white wines at the best price.